Richard Holman

Hey, I’m Richard.

I believe that creativity is, after love, the most valuable quality we human beings possess. And this is why, after spending twenty years coming up with ideas for entertainment brands, I now devote my time to helping others have better ideas themselves.

I coach individuals and teams, speak at events, write, podcast - and I still have the occasional idea too.

You can find out more about the things I do in this video or by exploring the links below.

Thanks for popping by,


Some of the companies I’ve hosted creative masterclasses for …

A brilliant course. Thank you!
— Jack Pemberton, BBC
An inspirational man to learn from
— Frankie Boyle, Artist & creative director

Creative Coaching

1 to 1 coaching programme

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Inspirational articles about creativity



A full programme of workshops on the creative process

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I speak regularly in the UK and further afield on the art and science of creative thinking

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In The Wind Thieved Hat, I explore the creative process with some of my favourite artists, musicians, writers, directors & makers

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Creative Direction

I’ve led high profile advertising and design projects for many of the world’s leading entertainment brands
