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The Art of a Beautiful Pitch

A great idea is a wonderful thing. But until it exists in the real world, it’s just a great idea. If you want to make it happen, then you have to be able to sell it. In this session we’ll explore both how to create a compelling pitch and how to deliver it.


You’ll learn …

  • How to be as creative with your pitch as you were with the idea

  • How to handle your client and the questions to ask

  • How to select your team

  • The best way to use time and space

  • How to choose the right idea

  • The four vertebrae — Challenge; Insight; Idea; Execution

  • Pitching without Powerpoint

  • The elevator test

  • Lessons in delivery from Obama, Mr Rogers & Winnie the Pooh

  • How to use register, volume, prosody & pace

  • Why you have 16 second seconds to win