Dominic Wilcox, Designer & Inventor

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Dominic Wilcox began his career as a designer and artist but his practice today is wide ranging and defies an easy description. I can say though that he’s one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met and the only person I’ve interviewed ever to have held the floor at the United Nations.

Our conversation covers where ideas come from and how to find them; we talk about how creativity helped Dominic deal with his shyness; we hear about the worldwide phenomenon that is Little Inventors and how it’s going into space; and we find out why Dominic is desperately serious about playfulness.

There are a couple of hitches in the recording – I sound a little fuzzy as my mic was malfunctioning and the last two minutes are a touch quiet, but Dominic is crystal clear throughout.

Sound quality aside, it’s a good one this.

Oh and don’t ever call his work daft …

Also available to listen to on iTunes, Spotify and Soundcloud.