What Makes Great Work Great?

What Makes Great Work Great?


2pm, Friday 31st January, Soho, London

Most of us have an intuitive sense of what makes great creative work great. We know it when we see it. But rarely do we take the time to stop and understand how it works and what makes it so powerful.

In this highly interactive workshop I’ll share my own take on the five key qualities of great work before we work together and, through discussion, determine the ingredients of winning work. We’ll take a deep dive into a series of great creative projects to extrapolate principles you can employ after the session.

You’ll leave the workshop with your own creative manifesto: a touchstone for your own creative vision and an essential tool in navigating life as a 21st century creative professional.

Who is this workshop for?

There’s inspiration here for any creative professional, but the workshop is particularly geared towards creative leaders or those with aspirations to creative leadership. It’ll give you confidence in your own creative perspective and enable you to make those critical judgement calls you have to make as you bring an idea from concept to execution.

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Great delivery, thoughtful content and the practical exercises were loads of fun. Really nice to have a bunch of different creative people together. 5/5
— Feedback from attendee, June 24